How To Improve Your Presence On Social Networks

Online Business Fundamentals

Do you need help with improving your presence on social networks and developing a better social media marketing campaign? This article should help you improve your strategies.

Do you usually get some comments and answers when you share an update? If not, you need to share content that will make your audience react and get involved in interesting conversations. Avoid sharing anything that could be offensive to some of your customers, but do not hesitate to ask questions on topics you know your audience is interested in.

Most social networks allow you to create polls and you can even start a discussions on a small message board on some networks. Make sure everyone feels safe about expressing their opinion by moderating the negative comments you get.

How To Improve Your Presence On Social Networks

Share content that is original, useful and valuable to your audience. You should share updates about your products, give information about your discounts and not hesitate to share exclusive content such as coupon codes to get more people to subscribe to your updates. If you do not have any original content to share, consider recycling your old articles or finding some useful and interesting content on another site.

Do you always share links and short texts? Try different formats. It is easier to get the attention of your audience with a picture or a video. You should take pictures of your products, create some info-graphics to present information about your products or start a series of videos about your products. A picture or a video will be easier to notice on a news-feed and you will be able to archive this content in your photo albums.

Facebook games are very easy to create and share thanks to Canvas or similar tools. You should consider creating a game based on your products or simply a fun game people can play to earn coupon codes. Make sure your game has a social feature, for instance by giving players the possibility to play with their friends or to publish their scores so more people start playing your game. Keep in mind that Facebook games will be popular among certain groups but not all your customers will show interest.

Get people to share content with you and tag you in their posts. Every time a customer tags you in an update or a picture, their friends are exposed to this content. You should encourage people to tag you and share content with you and reward the customers who write the best updates. If you want to get more customers to share content with you, you should organize a contest and ask people to take pictures of the products they bought for a chance to win prizes. You can then use the content that has been submitted to create a photo album or feature these pictures on your website.

These tips should help you make your social media marketing campaign more dynamic and successful. Keep track of your results each time you try a new strategy.

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